<aside> 🚧 Work in Progress!

None of the conclusions below should be considered professional advice. Testing potable water should be left to professionals, none of which have confirmed or denied the below research and conclusions.



This template can be filled out to see if your greywater is up to standard. âš  Warning: AI generated content

Parameter Unit Indicator Required Your result
Microbiological parameters
Total coliforms UFC/100ml 0
E. coli UFC/100ml 0
Enterococci UFC/100ml 0
Physical and chemical parameters
pH Sorensen 6,5-8,5
Electrical conductivity µS/cm <500
Total suspended solids (TSS) mg/L <30
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/L <100
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) mg/L <50
Total nitrogen mg/L <10
Ammonia NH3 mg/L <1
Nitrate NO3 mg/L <10
Total phosphorus mg/L <5
Chloride mg/L <250
Oil and grease mg/L <10


This is research based on Testing potable water and I asked (âš ) ChatGPT to alter the table for greywater. It looks accurate enough but take the accuracy of the information, especially the indicator numbers, with a grain of salt.

Further research / to process

(PDF) Grey Water Characterization and Treatment