<aside> 🚧 Work in Progress!

None of the conclusions below should be considered professional advice. Testing potable water should be left to professionals, none of which have confirmed or denied the below research and conclusions.



This template can be filled out to see if your water is potable.

Parameter Unit Indicator Required Your result
Microbiological parameters
Bacteria at 37°C UFC/1ml 10
Bacteria at 22°C UFC/1ml 100
Total coliforms UFC/100ml 0
E. coli UFC/100ml 0
Enterococci UFC/100ml 0
Clostridium perfringens UFC/100ml 0
Clostridium perfringens (spores) UFC/100ml 0
Physical and chemical parameters
Turbidity UNT 4
Color Pt-Co 20
pH Sorensen 6,5-9,0
Conductivity µS/cm 400
Chlorides mg/l Cl 250
Sulfates mg/l SO4 250
Nitrites mg/l NO2 0,5
Nitrates mg/l NO3 50
Ratio Nitrate-Nitrite mg/l ≤1
Ammonia µg/l NH4 0,5
Iron mg/l FE 200
Aluminium mg/l Al 0,2
Cyanide µg/l CN 50
Phosphate µg/l P2O5 5000
Potassium mg/l K 12
Total hardness mg/l CaCO3 500


Keep in mind that equipment needs to be calibrated on a regular basis (depends on the equipment)

Open hardware water tester


Not tested, unknown what parameters it tests and how accurately.


From a request to test well water (Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij)

Original Dutch

  1. The sample is taken from the tap in the kitchen
  2. The sample is then tested in a laboratory on a number of parameters, namely:
    1. Acidity (pH)
    2. Total organic carbon (TOC)
    3. Ammonium
    4. Nitrates
    5. Nitrites
    6. Fluorides
    7. Iron
    8. Lead
    9. Cadmium
    10. Arsenic
    11. Chrome
    12. Mangane
    13. Total viable (or bacterial) count
    14. Total coli bacteria
    15. E. coli
    16. Intestinal enterococci

From the water testing in Project Kamp


After UV sterilization and also shows the table headings

After UV sterilization and also shows the table headings

Language = Portuguese

Language = Portuguese