Venturi wind harvesting

Information sources

The Challenges of a Wind Turbine on Your Home


is it possible to build a building in such a shape as to increase wind power generation through the venturi effect?

Yes, it is possible to build a building in such a way as to increase wind power generation through the venturi effect. The venturi effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a fluid (such as air) flows through a narrow constriction, causing an increase in velocity and a drop in pressure. This can be harnessed to generate power through the use of wind turbines.

A building designed to take advantage of the venturi effect would typically have a narrow, wind-facing opening that channels the wind through the building and into a wider area, where the velocity of the wind is increased. The increased wind velocity can then be used to drive wind turbines located within the building.

In order to optimize wind power generation through the venturi effect, the building's design and shape should be carefully considered to minimize wind turbulence and ensure a smooth flow of air. Additionally, the size and position of the wind turbines should be carefully chosen to ensure maximum power generation.

It is important to note that the wind velocity required to generate significant amounts of power through the venturi effect is typically much higher than the wind velocity present in most urban environments. As a result, the practical applications of the venturi effect for wind power generation are currently limited to specialized structures, such as wind tunnels and wind farms.

can you give examples of places where this has been done?

There are currently limited examples of buildings specifically designed to take advantage of the venturi effect for wind power generation. Most wind power generation currently occurs in large-scale wind farms located in open, rural areas with high wind velocities.

However, there have been a few small-scale, experimental projects that have attempted to harness the venturi effect for wind power generation in urban environments. These projects have typically involved the use of specialized structures, such as tall, narrow towers, that are designed to channel wind through the building and into a wider area, where the velocity of the wind is increased. The increased wind velocity can then be used to drive wind turbines located within the building.

Examples of such projects include the Vortex Building in Toronto, Canada, and the Nexus Building in Bristol, UK. Both of these buildings feature wind turbines integrated into the building design, and are designed to maximize the flow of air through the building and increase the velocity of the wind.

It is worth noting that these projects are still experimental and the practical applications of the venturi effect for wind power generation in urban environments are currently limited. Further research and development is required to fully understand the potential of this technology and to determine its feasibility on a larger scale.

anyone actively researching this tech?

Yes, there are researchers and organizations actively exploring the potential of the venturi effect for wind power generation. These include universities, private companies, and government organizations. The research is typically focused on understanding the fluid dynamics of the venturi effect and developing new technologies and building designs that can optimize the flow of air and increase wind velocity.

Some examples of organizations and institutions that are researching this technology include the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the University of Cambridge, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). These organizations are working to advance our understanding of the venturi effect and develop new technologies and building designs that can harness the power of the wind for sustainable energy generation.

is there an official term for what I'm describing?