Ceremonial Council with Direct Democracy

In a direct democracy, decisions are made by the entire community through open discussions and voting on each issue. A ceremonial council can align with this approach by representing the community's decisions and values in a symbolic manner. While the ceremonial leader doesn't have decision-making powers, they can act as a conduit between the community and the decision-making process.


In a direct democratic eco-community, decisions are made collectively through regular town hall meetings. The community members discuss and vote on various proposals related to sustainable living, resource allocation, and communal projects. The ceremonial leader, such as the "Eco Ambassador," attends these meetings to share the community's achievements, ideals, and progress. They symbolize the community's commitment to its values, even though the actual decisions are made directly by the community members.

Recallable Council and Direct Democracy

A recallable council can also be integrated into a direct democracy framework. In this case, the community elects representatives who are responsible for executing day-to-day decisions, but these representatives can be recalled if they don't accurately represent the community's will.


In a direct democratic town, a Recallable Council is elected by the community to handle administrative tasks and ensure smooth functioning. The council members actively engage with community members to gather their opinions on various matters. If the council's decisions start to deviate from the community's consensus or values, the direct democracy system allows the community to initiate a recall vote to replace the council members with new representatives who better align with the community's views.

Delegate Council with Re-Election

A delegate council is elected to make decisions on behalf of the community. However, delegates are subject to re-election at regular intervals, giving the community the opportunity to assess their performance and potentially replace them if necessary.


A permaculture cooperative elects a delegate council to handle negotiations, partnerships, and strategic decisions. Council members are elected for fixed terms and must be re-elected by the cooperative members if they wish to continue serving, promoting accountability and responsiveness.

Open Leadership Panel

An open panel of leaders holds regular meetings where community members can participate and voice their opinions. The leaders help facilitate discussions and ensure that all viewpoints are considered. The panel's membership can change over time to reflect the community's evolving needs.


A solarpunk community organizes an Open Leadership Panel. Regular community meetings are held where members can voice their opinions and suggestions. The panel, composed of community members, guides discussions, ensures all voices are heard, and helps facilitate consensus decisions.

Raw research dump

Against Community Building, Towards Friendship (by ziq)